Sunday, April 15, 2012

Live and Learn

In relationships, we make mistakes, we get hurt, we get up, we get hurt again, we try and try, and we get better at it along the way. However, if you refuse to acknowledge that you make mistakes, and forget to think about the other person and how they are feeling, the relationship cannot grow and move forward.
[Live and Learn]

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Something for my Girls

Some times I read a status here and there all sad and regretful and yada yada, and I realise...
Girls are such Masochists -_-
Here's a set of hints from me to you to help make life more simple:

1. Don't wait, it may never come. Go get it.
Never be afraid to make the 1st move. It's better to be rejected and to move on, than wasting your life liking somebody who's just going to break your heart. If he says yes, he was probably waiting for you.
2. Never be afraid to say or do anything you want to.
You may regret not doing it. I'd rather live a life of "Oh well"s than "What if?"s.
3. Respect RelationshipsStop expecting to be treated like a princess if you don't know how to treat your guy good as well. If you expect too much, over-react, and get mad at him for no apparent reason, how is he supposed to love you?
4. Calm down!
Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn’t change anything. It messes with your mind & steals your happiness. Jumping to the worst conclusion and pestering the boy will only make things worse for you in the long run.
5. Acceptance.
If you wont accept what comes, you will be left behind. If you don't accept people for who they are, you will be abandoned. If you do not accept yourself for who you are and love yourself, you will lose yourself. Accept when things go wrong. Get back up, and try again, or try something else. Don't sit and complain, or you'll never get anywhere.
Lastly: Love will find you.
At such a young age, another break-up is NOT the end of the world. My sis is 40 this year and she JUST got married last year. You're too young to be talking about never dating ever again just cuz of one silly boy. Cry it out, cheer up with some friends, and in time, move on. You don't have to go looking for love. Just enjoy life with your friends and family, and who ever you're going out with. Make the best of your time and memories. If it ends, remember to be happy cuz the relationship happened, and not depressed cuz it ended. One day when you're not looking, love will find you. For now, relax and enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Quick thought for a Friend

Being unable to stand up for yourself will only slow you down in life. If you allow even the people you love to push you around, you'll never be truly happy, and by the end of it all you'll have lost a lot of memories, and missed a lot of opportunities.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Just a Girl

I'm just a girl, but that doesn't mean I'll stay that way forever.
Maturity is a tough road, but it's one I plan on taking.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Talk Your Talk

People talk crap about me, but I don't really care... cuz in the past I've made mistakes, I've made bad decisions, and I've behaved selfishly. Growing up is difficult, and nobody is perfect. The fact still remains, I'm learning from all my adventures and misadventures and becoming a better person, while you're sitting there talking shit about me, half of which isn't even true.
[Your lies don't bother me, and your truths bother me less]

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


As I sat alone today in the middle of an empty space waiting for others to arrive, I had nothing to think about, nothing troubling my mind, only the lyrics of the music I was listening to playing in my head... and I realized, here I sit at 18 years old, and I know exactly who I am and where I want to go. I am perfectly content with my life O.o Weird.
[Hello? Inner Teenage Turmoil? Guess Nobody's home]

Saturday, March 17, 2012


By Margaret Nicolas Decena Alpajora
Saturday 17 March 2012 [0334h]

I feel...
Too much I feel!
I'm trapped inside a body full of feeling, I believe I need to leave now.
Choking on my own breath, blinded by my own tears.
Fear that I've done the wrong thing.
More fear that what I did was the right thing.
Fear that I can't go back.
Most fear that I might go back. In fact,
I am confused.
Though I stopped letting my feelings out in public long ago,
I refuse to hold back, fact: I don't care anymore.
I must write, I need to
I bleed words when I suffer. In other words
When truly in pain, I write. No shame. I am. I do. I think. I feel.
I feel.
Too bad.
For me.
He said he cared. There. Now you know what's wrong.
I was.
Still, he said I'd never know how much he cared.
I believed him.
Believed he loved me more than I could imagine.
So he'd come to me right?
I just needed to know he would come to me.
So I decided to wait. And wait I did. And wait...
... And wait.
And wait.
But nothing.
No... still nothing.
Here come the waterworks.
I wonder why he says he cares if he can't even be the first to speak. I'm weak.
Yes, very weak.
Several times I nearly gave up.
Open skype.
Close skype.
Again. Again. Again.
Lingering on his wall... Type... Delete.
Close page. Open Page. Type. Delete. Close page.
Inbox. Type. Delete. Close inbox.
Again. And again. Still again.
Pick up my cellphone. Put it down.
Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Type. Delete. Down.
Again. Once Again.
But he said he cares right? So fight.
He says I must see. So show me.
Waiting... Nope. Nothing.
Crying. Stop! Distract yourself! Nope... Crying.
He said he cares right? So where is he?
Complaining that I cannot see what he isn't showing me, tell me what you want from me. See?
He's not there.
Still crying.
Am I bleeding? No... Feels like it though. No.
It's worse.
More blood than a thousand knives can draw.
Much worse.
What am I bleeding?
Dying. My heart is dying. It's dead. I'm writhing. I'm cold. And crying.
I can't distract myself anymore.
I'm just crying.
It hurts. My heart. My head.
It really hurts.
I'd write more but I can't think, I'm weak.
It hurts.
Stay away.
I'm done with you, we're through. In truth, I don't really want to, but I shall.
I'm leaving cuz you left me crying after saying
"She still can't see" after I said "Make me!", and you didn't even try...
When I told him it was over, he didn't even care enough to reply. 

... crying


My Head Hurts

By Margaret Nicolas Decena Alpajora
Saturday 17 March 2012 [0314h]

He says I cannot see
How much he really cares
How much to him I mean
Yet now I'm in despair

He says I'll never truly know
How much he really loves me
Yet now he will not show
He just says "She still can't see"

How can I see with eyes full of tears?
What isn't even there
Cuz he's not talking to me still
Even though he says he cares

He wants me to "see" his love
He says he loves me true
Yet he hasn't even tried
To be the one to end the feud

So here I've been waiting
Over 2 days has it been
For him to show he loves me
Yet... Nothing

So it's time to let go
Though it breaks my heart
What kind of love is this
If we cannot play the part

We're not talking, not at all
And he says "She still can't see"
Yet all I've been doing is waiting
For him to show me

Since he didn't even bother
Since he didn't even try
My heart has broken once again
All I can do is cry

... and cry.
Till the crying is over.
But for now I'll cry...
... Cuz I say It's over.

My Heart Hurts

Thursday, March 15, 2012


By Margaret Nicolas Decena Alpajora
Thursday 15 March 2012 [1328h]

Under normal circumstances I do love the rain
But in my current situation it causes me pain
To feel the dislike and anger ooz into the love I hold for him. It's dim,
it's dark, my heart sinks into the pit of my gut
I step into the rain, the mud, the cold
The sun is gone, I'm thrown into a hole,
Into the pit of new despair, I dare not to speak again
But alas my soul is torn
Not in two, not into shreds - Just torn
Like the indecision brewing in my head
The feeling of being forlorn, and worse,
Of having made him feel that way too
The ache in my chest and head colide
Inside; a rollercoaster ride of emotions and explosions
I lay my head to rest and thus I rest my case,
I am sad today.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy Days

You see how truly happy you were for a while when you feel sad, and realise you used to feel that way everyday.

Last week, I made the stupidest mistake I recall ever making in my entire life, and as a teenager, I've made a chizload of stupid mistakes and decisions. I haven't been able to bring myself to want to re-tell the story ever since it happened, except to my family and the police, so I wont. My mother on the other hand made quick work of telling the entire city about it though, so I often have to tell people I don't want to talk about it when they ask me about it, and they do, a lot... so it's very hard to get away from it now, even though I spend everyday trying to distract myself from it because of the way it haunts me. I posted about it on Facebook the day it happened, so anybody who saw my statuses that day knows most of the story... I haven't been able to bring myself to talk about the actualy incident, cuz it makes me feel like such an idiot, but anybody who talked to me that day knows exactly what I lost that day (besides my dignity), and exactly how I felt.

Until last week, my world (my inner world ofcourse) was perfect and peaceful. Everything in my soul and mind was completely content. My life is not, was not, has never been, and probably will never be actually perfect, but I was happy. I wasn't always like that though. I realised that today. The way I feel now... The way I always need to distract myself by reading comics, or watching anime or TV - the things I enjoy most and get easily distracted by, completely pulled into their world - the way I need them now like their morphine to my rage and anger at what happened, at myself for allowing it to happen even though my instincts told me what was really going on and I didn't listen because my subconcience has the need to always be polite, even to people I don't know... The way I absolutely have to be distracted if not asleep - the way I can't live in my own mind anymore... I feel it now and realise that this is how I used to feel everyday of my teenage life before a couple of years ago. The feeling of time running out on me, the feeling of having accomplished nothing, of having my family dissapointed in me because I'm smart but not the smartest, because I'm talented, but not the most talented, because I haven't excelled to be on top of everybody I've ever known, competed against, or schooled with - because I have different dreams for myself than they have for me. The worst is being dissapointed myself because I have come nowhere close to even acheiving those dreams. I keep making plans and charting it out in my mind how I want to get there, but life keeps stopping me. My parents love me very much, but sometimes their over-protectiveness stops me from going anywhere or doing anything to make any progress, and I wont even pretend to try and blame them, because I've allowed this to be my life. I've been so sheltered, I've grown up having everything done for me, and not being allowed to do anything for myself, or try anything alone. I had the opportunity this year to change that. My parents eased up on my enough for me to try make some progress, but I've been lazy. Procrastination has taken much of my initiative away from me. I've gotten so used to being handed what I need, or being handled and stopped by others, I started to stop myself.

Still, for the last year, I've been happy. Seeing how I feel now, and comparing it to how I used to feel before the last year, I can see now how truly content I was with my life, my drama, my losses, my disspaointments. I would work through them, or not care, or do something better. I would ignore drama, and anger, and hate. I would start something new when I failed, or inherit something old when something was taken from me. I may have gotten angry a few many times in the last year, may have shown much anger and hate, but inside, I knew I'd got over it, and I always did after a short time. I don't know what could have made me that way, so subconciously happy, so truly content with whatever happened to me... but I can only credit my friends, those who stayed with me through everything I've ever gone through, the troubles I most times kept hidden from my family... my family, my parents especially, even though I got angry at them A LOT, and they got angry at me, I knew they loved me, I always had it in my head how much they've done for me, even after I found out about my secret true life last year - there were alot of problems between me and my family last year, but I never let anybody know how I just didnt care, how I was still really happy through it all - my sister, my nephew, my new found dad (long story --> <-- Link), I mean, without my family, who am I right? A special guy, Anthony, who despite everything good and bad that we've gone through, is still here...... and most of all God, who has kept me safe through everything, given me people who truly care about me and who I care about, a good life and education, my passions, my dreams, my talent, the wisdom to learn from every experience in my life, good or bad, and from what I observe in others, and most of all, a past, present, and future. 

Now I just want that happiness back, but God can only do so much for me because he can only guide my choices and keep me company through it all, and I know the only way to get it is to do the hardest thing any human being can possibly face - Forgiveness. It is the hardest challenge for us, as humans, to truly and fully forgive those who have wronged us... but it is even harder to forgive ourselves for what we hate most in ourselves...... and I now face both. I can't keep trying to stay asleep, or distract myself, it's tiring, and depressing, and I still have a lot of plans I need to accomplish. The problem is, even if I do manage to forgive myself and everyone who's caused these feelings of anger, shame, sadness, and grief... I still have many obstacles to overcome before I can do anything. My mom has become a thousand times more paranoid than she already was before the incident (and that's really saying something) and I'm not allowed out of the house anymore. Left, right and center, everybody feels the need to ask me about what happened, or scold me, or talk about me, or slam me, and I really just want to get past this, but I can't if people keep bringing it up. I now need a new ID and Passport because of what happned, and I really need to get out of the country soon. I'm broke, completely broke, and can't do anything about it...

So I guess here comes the most challenging, and final, year of my teenage life... Wish me luck.

(c) Margaret Alpajora 28/02/12 [1708h]

Monday, February 27, 2012


People ask what has happened to "humanity"?
When something is wrong, they say "Where has your humanity gone?".
Well I say, screw humanity. I don't need humanity, nay, I don't WANT humanity
Humanity is what defines humans.
Humanity is selfishness, and preserving one's own self. Humanity is dog eats dog, and "C'est la vie". Humanity is rediculing others to make yourself feel better, stealing other people's property because you assume they have more than you, or just to gain more than you already have. Humanity is doing what ever it takes to get to the top, to be on top, to feel like you're better than others.
Humanity is insecurity, and fear. It makes you afraid to be confident in yourself. Humanity causes you to push people away because you think you're not good enough. Humanity makes you bahave in ways that makes somebody who truly cares for you despise who you've become. It's hiding things from the ones you love when something's gone wrong because, today, humanity means they will scold you and judge you, insted of support you and help you get through what ever life has thrown your way. It's being scolded for coming in second place because somebody else was just a little bit better. It's feeling sorry for yourself because something good happened to somebody else, insted of you.
Humanity is being the best, the most popular, the smartest. It makes you give up on what you love because you think you're not good enough, or because others say you're not good enough, or that you'll never make it, or that your dreams are stupid. Humanity is forcing yourself to do things to please others even though it makes you miserable. It's living out other people's dreams for you because they say they know what is best for you, insted of living out your own.
Humanity forces you to conform, to be what peple expect you to be, to be what is defined as "normal", to strip you of your idividuality because it displeases others.
Humanity is being called stupid while you're still growing up and finding your way around the world. It judges and says you're "misguided" because who you are confuses people and makes them insult you because they assume that who you are, is just you going through a phase while "trying to find yourself". Humanity critisizes insted of assists.

On the other hand, humanity can bring out the best in us. Humanity tries to bring about the end of war, racism, sexism, homophobia, anger, fear, pain, and strife. It can be what drives you to help the needy, the down cast, the ravaged. It can be what pushes you to sit next to a friend and hold their hand through something bad in their lives without needing to know what's wrong, or reach out to somebody who has nobody to call friend. It could be what touches your very soul and teaches you to forgive when you're on the reckless path of revenge, or forgive the most difficult person to forgive - yourself. It can be what moves you to speak out for some one who can't find their voice to defend themselves...
... but how often have you thought about doing something good for some body else without thinking about gaining anything from it yourself? Even just stopping youself from doing something wrong, or mean, can change the outcome of someone else's life.

Hovever... in this new world, we are taught to fend for ourselves, nothing more.
If this is what we continue to teach the new generations, if we continue on this path, on this line of thought, humanity is surely doomed.

(c) Margaret Alpajora 27/02/12 [2038h]