Inside the mind of Baby May
[Moday 1 August 2011 - 2037h]
We may not all believe in God.
We may not all believe in the same Religion.
Some of us may not even believe in Religion at all.
... But something I've realized is that Religion and beliefs bring people together.
People of the same belief come together in the most loving and extravagant ways I've ever seen.
And it's beautiful... at times.
What's ugly is when the different beliefs turn agaist each other.
Science VS Cosmic force & Destiny
Muslim VS Christianity
Anglicans VS Catholics
Atheists VS Believers
It's all very silly if you ask me.
We may believe in different Gods, and some may not believe in one at all, or in prayer.
And that's cool, cuz our varying lives are what drive us to believe in what we believe in.
But I assume we all must believe in something...
Something more than what is tangable, or what the eye can't see, and that we hold sacred;
Something that we can hold on to when life begins to get too challenging.The beauty that I see when people are brought together by their beliefs is truely AMAZING!... But I believe that we should all just let our beliefs be our stronghold without bringing down what others hold on to, even though it's not the same thing as you.
I admit, sometimes I lose sight of my faith and forget what I'm supposed to be believing in,But faith comes in different forms and the one thing I will never lose my faith in is the LOVE everywhere around me; Religious Icons, Family, Friends, and everything above, below, and in between.The tattoo on my back, the Japanese word for "LOVE" represents just this.It will forever remind me that no matter how many times my heart gets broken, no matter how many friends I lose, no matter how many fights I have with my family, I will always remember to keep love in my heart.
What good is it if I give up on it completely, forget to move on with life cuz life moves on whether or not we move with it, deprive other people of a chance because of other people's mistakes, deprive myself of the chance to maybe have some really cool new people in my life... What good is all that? Love is worth the risk.
You may find people who stab you in the back sometimes, but the risk is proven to be worth it when you realize that you have also found people who really care about you. I will always love.
Also, I look back and think about all the AWESOME people I've met through my shared belief (and those of you familiar with YFC? ^_^) with them and I feel warm inside to know that I have another "family" to turn to, to share fun times with, to go crazy with, and to pray for me and with me when I've lost my way =')
♥ I believe in Love ^_^

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