Monday, February 27, 2012


People ask what has happened to "humanity"?
When something is wrong, they say "Where has your humanity gone?".
Well I say, screw humanity. I don't need humanity, nay, I don't WANT humanity
Humanity is what defines humans.
Humanity is selfishness, and preserving one's own self. Humanity is dog eats dog, and "C'est la vie". Humanity is rediculing others to make yourself feel better, stealing other people's property because you assume they have more than you, or just to gain more than you already have. Humanity is doing what ever it takes to get to the top, to be on top, to feel like you're better than others.
Humanity is insecurity, and fear. It makes you afraid to be confident in yourself. Humanity causes you to push people away because you think you're not good enough. Humanity makes you bahave in ways that makes somebody who truly cares for you despise who you've become. It's hiding things from the ones you love when something's gone wrong because, today, humanity means they will scold you and judge you, insted of support you and help you get through what ever life has thrown your way. It's being scolded for coming in second place because somebody else was just a little bit better. It's feeling sorry for yourself because something good happened to somebody else, insted of you.
Humanity is being the best, the most popular, the smartest. It makes you give up on what you love because you think you're not good enough, or because others say you're not good enough, or that you'll never make it, or that your dreams are stupid. Humanity is forcing yourself to do things to please others even though it makes you miserable. It's living out other people's dreams for you because they say they know what is best for you, insted of living out your own.
Humanity forces you to conform, to be what peple expect you to be, to be what is defined as "normal", to strip you of your idividuality because it displeases others.
Humanity is being called stupid while you're still growing up and finding your way around the world. It judges and says you're "misguided" because who you are confuses people and makes them insult you because they assume that who you are, is just you going through a phase while "trying to find yourself". Humanity critisizes insted of assists.

On the other hand, humanity can bring out the best in us. Humanity tries to bring about the end of war, racism, sexism, homophobia, anger, fear, pain, and strife. It can be what drives you to help the needy, the down cast, the ravaged. It can be what pushes you to sit next to a friend and hold their hand through something bad in their lives without needing to know what's wrong, or reach out to somebody who has nobody to call friend. It could be what touches your very soul and teaches you to forgive when you're on the reckless path of revenge, or forgive the most difficult person to forgive - yourself. It can be what moves you to speak out for some one who can't find their voice to defend themselves...
... but how often have you thought about doing something good for some body else without thinking about gaining anything from it yourself? Even just stopping youself from doing something wrong, or mean, can change the outcome of someone else's life.

Hovever... in this new world, we are taught to fend for ourselves, nothing more.
If this is what we continue to teach the new generations, if we continue on this path, on this line of thought, humanity is surely doomed.

(c) Margaret Alpajora 27/02/12 [2038h]

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